Acacia Parker

Public Outreach Coordinator

This Week at Liberty

Being an Arizonan is funny; I’m ready for the summer to be over as soon as those high temperatures hit, but once the cold comes (the true 30 degree kind of cold), I’m ready for that heat again.

This Week at Liberty

Being an Arizonan is funny; I’m ready for the summer to be over as soon as those high temperatures hit, but once the cold comes (the true 30 degree kind of cold), I’m ready for that heat again.

This Week at Liberty

There seems to be a few constants around this time of year and it has to do with the fact winter is finally upon us, which means mentally and physically I have gone into semi-hibernation.

This Week at Liberty

Well, it’s official. 2024 is coming to an end, and it appears we’ve pushed well in to the 10,000+ intake range (the super official number will be given in the next blog, since we’re still taking in animals for the remainder of the day).

This Week at Liberty

Every year, I tell myself I’m going to start shopping for the holiday in November so I’m done in December and all that’s needed is to wrap. Well, like most every year before this, that definitely didn’t happen.

This Week at Liberty

My oh my, we made it! We’re in the home stretch; Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we’re on to more glorious holidays.

This Week at Liberty

I find it funny that, as I get older, I’m more inclined to host events like Thanksgiving. Thirteen years ago there was no way you could convince me to cook for 15+ people at any given time.

This Week at Liberty

Finally! We made it! Jacket weather is upon us, and with it, a little bit of much needed rain. I was happy to sit outside with my new pups to enjoy it, too.

This Week at Liberty

For anyone who knows me well, they know I am not a huge fan of shopping. I’m not good at perusing—I want to get in, get my stuff, and leave. It’s mostly the reason I online shop now.

This Week at Liberty

The cooler morning weather is not just well deserved, it also means that our Orphan Care season has come to a close and our rehabilitation side is slowing down.

This Week at Liberty

I know I’ve been a broken record this year in talking about taking time off to explore the world and get back to nature.

This Week at Liberty

I know I may talk a lot of ‘smack’ about Phoenix and our heat and this insane weather we’ve been having (90+ days of over 100 degrees?! Where are we!)

This Week at Liberty

I’m not sure about any of you, but 2024 seems to be flying by faster than a hummingbird looking for nectar (you’re welcome for that visual!).

Best Way to Learn About Desert Critters

Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation, but a vast number of transplants don’t do their research before packing their van and heading into the wonderland of the Sonoran Desert, the most biodiverse desert on the planet.

Liberty Wildlife in Phoenix looking for volunteers

It’s a busy time of year for Liberty Wildlife in Phoenix and it will only get busier once we start getting monsoon storms. That’s when they start seeing more animals brought in, but it’s also their hardest time for staffing. FOX 10’s Irene Snyder explains.

Rescuing Wildlife In Scottsdale, Ariz

When a coyote is hit by a car or a Canada goose cuts its leg on a fishing line, the folks at Liberty Wildlife – a rescue and research group in Scottsdale – take the creatures in and treat them and try to return them to the wild.

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