About Us
Our Vision
Liberty Wildlife envisions a time when wildlife is recognized as an integral part of our natural world, and a precious natural resource, to be protected and preserved.
Liberty Wildlife envisions being a permanent community resource, a place to instill compassion and stewardship in young minds and a place to reconnect the public with the beauty and benefits of native wildlife and habitat.
Liberty Wildlife envisions a time when the community as a whole participates in the safekeeping of the natural world.
Our Mission
To nurture the nature of Arizona through wildlife rehabilitation, natural history education, and conservation services to the community.
Behind the Scenes at Liberty Wildlife
Click here to view a behind the scenes video of Liberty Wildlife. Start with a quick walk-through of the medical side of our campus, learn about animal ambassadors Junior, Groot, Aurora, & Tucker, and get a look behind the scenes of the Non-Eagle Feather Repository.
And finally, let your heart soar with the release of the animal to the wild. Click here to see a releasing of a Bald Eagle into the wild.
Join Our Capital Campaign
Help us realize our dream by joining foundations, corporations, and individuals in creating Liberty Wildlife’s new facility. This is a way to leave a legacy to help native wildlife for future generations.
Click here for more information.