Amazon Wish List
Please help us stock supplies from our Amazon wishlist.
- New laptop computers
- Hardware cloth (half inch + quarter inch vinyl coated)
- Lumber/enclosure building materials
- Cushions for Amphitheater
- Forklift
- Bobcat tractor
- Pea Gravel
- Decomposed granite
- Chain link fencing for outdoor mammal runs
- New digital camera
- Brooders
- Stools without wheels
- Mammal Control pole
- Kong dog toys/Mammal toys
Medical Equipment
Please help us stock supplies for our medical and surgical needs.
- 60, 30, & 3 cc syringes; 1 cc syringes with needles
- 18, 21, 22, 23, 25 gauge needles (¾-1″– 1″ in length)
- 2″ x 2″ non-sterile gauze pads
- Chlorhexidine solution
- Tongue depressors
- Cover slips and slides
- Fecalyzers
- Biopsy jars
- 3″ x 5″ fluorescent green note cards
- Blood machine for in-house blood work
- Brown Adsen thumb forceps
- Olsen Hager needle holders
- Digital thermometers
- Mobile incubator (Janoel 12)
- Brinsea brooders (TLC-40/TLC-50)
- Ultrasound machine
- Orthopedic surgical instrument
General Office Supplies
Please help us stock supplies for the general office needs.
- Paper Towels (Kirkland) or any other brand
- Hand Soap
- Postage stamps
- Staples, Fry’s, PetSmart gift cards
- Manila folders (letter size)
- Heating Pads
- Surgical Gloves
- New AAA, D, and 9volt Batteries
- Printer Paper and Toner
- Face masks
- Dawn detergent
- Hand sanitizer
- Self-sealing business envelopes
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