Contact Us


2600 E Elwood St
Phoenix, AZ 85040
(480) 998-5550

General Questions & Inquiries

Please note: We DO NOT have the resources to be able and give out individual status updates for animals that have been brought in.

For directions to the facility or to reach our intake window:

Call: (480) 998-5550, then hit 2. This is the only phone line that links to a phone at the facility. DO NOT call this line if you have a wildlife emergency. If no one answers, it will direct you to the hotline message system. Please leave a message and someone will get back to you within 30 minutes.

For questions about volunteering or donations:

Call: (480) 998-5550, then hit 3. You must leave a voice message for someone to get back to you. Do not leave a message in this voicemail box if you have a wildlife emergency.

For questions about education programs:

If you would like to schedule a program, please visit the ‘education‘ portion of our website.

For questions about visiting Liberty Wildlife during our open hours, booking a private tour or a field trip:

Please visit the Education portion of our website.

Wildlife Emergencies

Please review the FAQ portion of our website before calling. Many common questions are answered there.

Call: (480) 998-5550, hit 1 then hit 2, and leave a message. Our emergency hotline is checked every 15 minutes from 8 AM – 8:30 PM. You must leave a voice message for someone to get back to you.

Public Notice

Liberty Wildlife Cannot Take Ducks, Geese or Lovebirds at this time

Liberty Wildlife is following proper protocols and taking precautions to prevent the spread of the avian flu in our facility and the community. Currently, we have been advised to not take any waterfowl (ducks or geese) to help minimize exposure to other animals. East Valley Wildlife and Fallen Feathers are unable to take them as well. All waterfowl that are sick/injured should be transported to our partner Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG).

Veterinary Emergency Group
7210 W Ray Rd
Chandler, AZ 85226
(I-10 & Ray Rd)

We also have been advised to not take in lovebirds anymore. Please try any of the groups above. Thank you for understanding.

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