Mexican Kingsnake Ambassador

About Tito
Tito was given to Liberty Wildlife.
The Mexican Black Kingsnake has a long, smooth and slender body with a small oval shaped head. A common misperception is that they are always jet black in color, but they are more of a glossy blackish or very deep, deep, chocolate brown with an iridescence that is reflected in sunlight. Their eyes are small and black. They grow on average to a length of 3 to 5 feet and a weight of 3 to 4 lbs.
Their preferred habitat includes areas with plenty of rocks and plants for cover. While generally most comfortable on the ground, they will climb rocks, trees, and bushes, and are comfortable going for a swim. They also like to burrow.
These snakes are native to the Sonoran Desert, including parts of Arizona and California and most of Mexico and northwestern Sinaloa.
Life Span
Can live for 10 to 20 years.
Prey / Food
Mexican Black Kingsnakes, like other kingsnakes, are ophiophagous, which means they are cannibalistic, feeding on snakes of all kinds. Additional sources of food include small rodents, lizards, small birds and frogs. They are diurnal hunters, hunting and eating during the day.
Babies / Nests
Mating season for Mexican Black Kingsnakes is spring when females will lay a single clutch of up to 24 eggs. Females provide no parental care to the eggs. Hatchlings are born 50 to 60 days later. The young grow quickly, reach maturity in two to three years.
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