Leopard Gecko Ambassador

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About Zamira
Came to our hospital as a stray with scratches on body. Owner was never found, not a native species.
They reach 8-10 inches, adults are yellow with brown spots on the back and a banded white and light black tail.
Sand-gravel, rocks, hard clay, coarse grasses, and drought resistant shrubs are most commonly where these geckos are found.
Leopard geckos are found in southeastern Afghanistan, western India, Pakistan, Iraq, and Iran, in semi-deserts and arid grasslands.
Life Span
Leopard geckos can live 10-15 years in the wild but can live up to 20 years in captivity.
Prey / Food
Prey on a wide variety of invertebrates like spiders, scorpions, and centipedes but they might also eat smaller lizards and nestling rodents.
Babies / Nests
Females usually lay a clutch every 15-22 days for a 4 to 5 month period once they are sexually matured. Females lay eggs 15-22 days after copulation, the first clutch of the females lives may be as small as 1 or 2 eggs. Hatchlings can be between 3 and 4 inches long.
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