Rock Squirrel Ambassador

Found on ground / Imprint
About Rocket
Rocket was found on the ground. His rescuer kept him for 5 months.
Rock squirrels are one of the largest members of family Sciuridae. In front and on top, their coat is a speckled grayish brown; on the rear and bottom the gray becomes a more mottled brownish-black tone. They have a marked light-colored ring around their eyes and pointed ears that project well above their heads. Rock squirrels have a long bushy tail with white edges.
These squirrels inhabit rocky canyons, cliffs, talus slopes, canyon walls, and hillsides. They also live in urban areas.
Rock squirrels are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. They occur from Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, south through Texas and California to southernmost Puebla, Mexico.
Life Span
May live up to 2-3 years.
Prey / Food
Rock squirrels are predominantly herbivores, eating mostly leaves, stems, and seeds. They also eat acorns, pine nuts, and fruits of native plants, including cacti. Occasionally, Rock squirrels consume insects or the eggs of small nesting birds. They may also eat their own kind, scavenging the remains of squirrels that are already dead.
Babies / Nests
Females have two litters a year, with 3 to 9 young in each litter. The first litter is typically born between April and June, while the second is born between August and September. The gestation period lasts around 30 days. Newborn babies stay in the burrow and nurse around 2 months and begin foraging for food themselves about 3 days after they leave the burrow.
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