
Common Chuckwalla Ambassador




Coming soon...

Injury / Condition:

Possible pet

About Jose

Jose was found at a Dos Gringos bar. Was not quick to run or escape so was most likely a pet or habituated in some way.


Stout lizards with baggy skin folds near the neck, shoulders, and stomach. Hard scales cover the skin. Five digits on each limb with a tail that is rounded at the tip. Color varies from dark brown to gray to dark yellow depending on location, temperature, surrounding and mood.


Found in deserts with hot and dry air. Need rocks and crevices for hiding, such as past lava flow sites, rocky hillsides, and outcrops. Males home range will not overlap with those of other males. Many females may be in the male’s home range.


Found in the deserts in the western US and Mexico as well as some islands in the Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern California and Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and parts of Colorado.

Life Span

Average lifespan of 15 years in the wild but can live up to 25 years in captivity.

Prey / Food

Herbivores, especially on plants that are higher in fiber and lower in fat and protein. They get water from the plants they eat and produce it metabolically. Will eat some insects for protein.

Babies / Nests

Eggs are laid in an underground nest and hatch after about 30 days. They leave the young once they are hatched.

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