California Kingsnake Ambassador

Head trauma
About Lydia
Came in from a rescue/transport volunteer with head trauma and was thought to be beyond saving. She survived but cannot be released due to the head trauma.
They have smooth and shiny scales that can be ringed, striped, and/or spotted. These snakes usually get to be 2.5 to 4 feet long and can vary in colors from shades of black and brown with lighter colors of white and yellow.
Kingsnakes can live in woodland chaparral, grasslands, deserts, or marshes in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and northwest Mexico.
They are widespread across the west coast of North America at elevations of 1,600 feet in the Tehachapi Mountains to 7,000 feet in the southeastern Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Life Span
The California Kingsnake can live to be 10-15 years old but has been known to reach 20 years old in captivity.
Prey / Food
They can eat rodents, birds, and other reptiles or amphibians. Kingsnakes are non-venomous and kill their prey by means of constriction.
Babies / Nests
Kingsnake eggs are laid between May and August. Incubation then continues for 47-81 days. Hatchlings are usually around 12 inches and are left completely on their own after they’ve hatched.
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