Turkey Vulture Ambassador

2010 / Juvenile
Right-wing fracture
About Quanah
Quanah was a juvenile when he was found injured in Ajo. A preliminary medical examination found that he had a fracture to his right wing and that it could not be repaired surgically. With limited use of his right wing, his flight capabilities were compromised, and he was determined to be non-releasable. With that, Quanah became a permanent member of the education team.
Turkey vultures range as far north as the southern boundary of Canada and south into Central America and South America.
Life Span
The average life expectancy of the turkey vulture has been estimated to be from anywhere from 10 to 16 years in the wild. A captive life span of over 30+ years is possible. (Bailey was hatched in 1986.)
Prey / Food
An aerial scavenger, the Turkey Vulture feeds on a wide range of wild and domestic carrion. Dead mammals ranging from mice to cattle are common foods. When carrion is in short supply, the Turkey Vulture has been observed eating plants including rotten pumpkins and coconuts, grapes, and juniper berries.
Babies / Nests
No nest is built. Nesting sites include rock outcrops, fallen trees, cliffs, and hollow logs. Usually, 1 – 3 eggs are laid which hatch in 30 to 40 days. The young fledge in about 70 to 80 days.
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