
Red-Tailed Hawk Ambassador




2014 / Nestling

Injury / Condition:


About Arya

Arya was brought to Liberty Wildlife as a young nestling. Her rescuer had cared for her for a week, feeding her hamburger and treating a head injury with an unknown ointment. During this time, she became imprinted. Efforts to place her with foster parents and other young red-tailed hawks had no effect on her imprinted behaviors. For this reason, Arya was assigned to the education team.


The red-tailed hawk is one of the most common and widespread soaring hawks (Buteos) found throughout North and Central America, and the Caribbean Islands except extreme Northern Canada. This hawk is the most common hawk found throughout Arizona.

Life Span

Red-tailed hawks are relatively long-lived birds. While many live less than two years, those that survive the first few years can live 12 to 16 years. The oldest known wild red-tailed hawk lived to at least 21.5 years old. In captivity, red-tailed hawks have lived for at least 29.5 years.

Prey / Food

The red-tailed hawk is an important raptor in controlling rodent populations. Typical food includes small to medium-sized mammals such as rodents, cottontails, and jackrabbits. It will also eat birds and reptiles.

Babies / Nests

They build bulky stick nests in tall trees, poles or on ledges. The nests are often lined with soft material. The female usually lays 2 to 3 eggs. Incubation lasts between 28 and 32 days.

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