
Prairie Falcon Ambassador




2020 / Adult

Injury / Condition:

Injured left wing

About Ra

Ra arrived at the Nature’s Educators facility in Colorado in 2017 with an injured left wing. The injury required that the wing tip be amputated, classifying him as non-releasable. Ra was transferred to Liberty Wildlife in 2020 as an adult, where he became a member of our education team.


Found only in western North America, the prairie falcon’s range includes southwestern Canada, western United States, Baja California, and northern Mexico.

Life Span

The most common estimate of the average life expectancy of the prairie falcon is between 2 and 5 years, substantially lower than the peregrine falcon. Other estimates range from 13 to 20 years.

Prey / Food

The prairie falcon specializes in medium-sized mammals and birds. Rodents, small rabbits, small hares, and small to medium-sized birds such as mourning doves and quail are its primary prey. They will also hunt ground squirrels, snakes, lizards, and insects.

Babies / Nests

Typically, prairie falcons nest on a cliff face using a ledge, cavity, crevice, or an abandoned nest of eagles, hawks, or ravens. The average clutch size numbers 4 to 5 eggs. The incubation is between 29 to 34 days. Young prairie falcons leave the nest 5 to 6 weeks after hatching.

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