Rosy Boa Ambassador

About Ruby
Used as a breeder in a facility, but they no longer had a need for her.
Size is usually between 17-34 inches with a rosy or salmon colored belly. These snakes' colors can vary but are most commonly mixed with dark to orange spots on a lighter body. They also have stripes either on their sides or their back varying in color from orange to black. The interspace colors can also vary from light to dark grey and yellow or tan.
These snakes are commonly found in deserts, scrubland, sandy plains, and rocky slopes. They can live from sea level up to an elevation of 2,070 meters beneath rocks and in crevices.
Most common in southwestern America in California, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico.
Life Span
The Rosy Boa can be expected to live around 15 to 22 years.
Prey / Food
The Rosy Boa eats a majority of different foods like small mammals, baby rabbits, lizards, deer mice and even kangaroo rats. Their prey is held in place by needle like teeth and then suffocated through constriction.
Babies / Nests
These snakes mating season starts in April and ends around June, after 4-5 months of the gestation period female snakes birth live young in a protective membrane. The first litter can be as large as 8 snakes and as small as 3 each snake at about 18 to 36 cm long.
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