Ferruginous Hawk Ambassador

2004 / Juvenile
About Pawnee
Pawnee came from a Missouri sanctuary as an imprint and was already trained for doing education programs. We estimate that he was a year old when he arrived.
The ferruginous hawk is the largest and heaviest in his group (Buteo) and is found mostly in the western half of North America from the great plains through the western United States to northern Mexico.
Life Span
Estimated life expectancy is up to 12 years in the wild and twice as long in captivity.
Prey / Food
Ferruginous hawks prey on rabbits, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs but sometimes also birds, snakes, and large insects such as crickets.
Babies / Nests
They build large nests of sticks, grasses, or old bones on hillsides, rock pinnacles, trees, or power poles. An average of 3 – 4 eggs are laid and hatch in about 28 days. The young leave the nest 38 to 50 days later.
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