
Common Raven Ambassador




2000 / Juvenile

Injury / Condition:


About Lenny

As a juvenile raven, Lenny was found begging in a schoolyard in Safford, Arizona in summer, 2000. Observation of Lenny once he arrived at Liberty, coupled with his reported schoolyard behavior, indicated that he was too comfortable with humans to be released.


Common ravens have entirely black eyes, plumage, beaks, and feet. They have a thick neck with shaggy throat feathers.


Common ravens thrive in most any habitat and do very well around human habitations including rural and suburban locations.


Common ravens are found over most of the Northern Hemisphere in nearly every habitat.

Life Span

Common ravens typically live about 10 to 15 years in the wild although lifespans of up to 40 years in captivity have been recorded.

Prey / Food

Common ravens will eat almost anything they can find including carrion, small animals, eggs, insects, fish, grains, and berries as well as many types of human and pet food.

Babies / Nests

Ravens build stick nests on cliffs, in trees, and on structures such as power-line towers, billboards and bridges. Tree nests tend to be in a crotch high in the tree. Ravens lay 3 – 7 eggs in a clutch. Babies hatch after about 20 – 25 days. Youngsters fledge (learn to fly) about 50 days later.

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