Black Vulture Ambassador

2014 / Juvenile
About Gaucho
Gaucho had been hanging out for over a month in his rescuer’s backyard. He would not leave their yard and had no fear of the people. During his medical intake, he was determined to have no injuries to preclude his release. However, his obvious lack of fear of people indicated that he was habituated and non-releasable.
Black Vultures have black plumage with white wing tips underneath, a bare black head, and black feet.
Black Vultures prefer open areas within forested landscapes. They typically nest and roost in wooded areas and soar above open areas to seek their food.
Black Vultures are found in the southern and eastern United States and Mexico, as well as Central and South America.
Life Span
Black Vulture’s average life span is 10 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity. The oldest known banded Black Vulture on record was at least 25 years, 6 months old.
Prey / Food
An aerial scavenger, the Black Vulture feeds on dead mammals ranging from mice to cattle.
Babies / Nests
Black vultures do not build nests. Nesting sites include rock outcrops, fallen trees, cliffs, and hollow logs. Black vultures lay 1 – 3 eggs in a clutch. The eggs hatch in about 38 – 39 days. Juveniles fledge (learn to fly) in about 70 – 98 days.
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